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What is Tetsudo?



The Creator of the 'Tetsudo Concept' was Maha Ustad (Supreme Teacher), Masu Tetsura, who addressed his collection of ideas, thoughts and training formats simply as the 'ART FORM '.


After his death in 1966, his sole student Guru Ustad (Venerable Teacher) B.S. Dhaliwal coined the word GOYARARU in 1968 at the age of seventeen to describe these Concepts.


After a long period of time and reflection Guru Ustad Dhaliwal began to recognise that the word GOYARARU did not adequately describe the full depth and richness of the Maha Ustad's thoughts. Therefore in 1994,

after a full consensus of all Instructors and senior students it was decided

to reform the 'Art Form' as TETSUDO - The Way of Tetsura.

In honour and recognition of the late Master.


The current custodian is Guru Ustad B.S.Dhaliwal, the sole student of Maha Ustad Tetsura, and all present and past students of the Art are, in turn, students of Ustad Dhaliwal.


"The true art, clarifies, and brings into harmony the interrelated and intermingled workings of time, space, body, bones, muscles, nerves, consciousness, subconsciousness, and unconsciousness, and opens the way for a better understanding between US and the WORLD that surrounds us."


"The true art cannot be learned without intelligent observation, gratitude, and an intense desire to improve oneself"

Maha Ustad Tetsura




Tetsudo is a martial art that has its roots in Asia. The late great Master Tambo Tetsura was born in Tibet but it is known that he travelled extensively and studied all aspects of martial arts, such was his interest in them.


He studied Karate(Japan), Tai-Chi(China) and Ghatkhan(India - stick fighting). Master Tetsura noticed that most of the martial systems tried to make students conform to the pattern of the "style" and not for the needs of the individual. In the late 1950's he arrived in England and, as mentioned was well versed in all aspects of martial arts but found that none incorporated a philosophy for the individual person.


It was in 1960 that he met a young person called Balbinder Singh Dhaliwal in the Wolverhampton Library. It was at this time that the whole core of the Artform we now call Tetsudo (The Way of Tetsura) came into being. This young person became the sole heir and possessor of the knowledge that Master Tetsura had of martial arts.



The Evolution Of The Tetsudo Concept

Guru BS Dhaliwal


During his lifetime the Maha ustad Tetsura studied numerous Martial Arts and many other activities associated with Physical Culture. Towards the latter part of his life he started to analyse and log this huge mass of knowledge acquired through much travel and contact with like minded people. He began to think that there must be some common qualities that are common denominators that run through ALL the infinitely varied activities and that these qualities are vital, necessary and universally required for ALL human activity to occur efficiently and effectively.


His sharp and powerful intellect cut through all the superficial variants of all activities and he began asking fundamental questions and making some basic observations about human performance.


Maha Ustad looked at the sub-sections of each martial art and identified the common threads between Karate, Tia-Chi, Judo, Boxing, Fencing etc       


After much research and contemplation he eventually identified SIX THREADS or COMMON DENOMINATORS that are universally necessary for the optimum performance in any field of endeavor.


 The Six Threads are:

  1. Co-ordinated Movement

  2. The body in a well prepared and conditioned state

  3. Heightened awareness and perception(efficient stimulus/response)

  4. Heightened Emotional state

  5. Efficient Strategy/Methodology..(i.e. the 'How') (Intellectual Input)

  6. The value importance of the Task (i.e. the “Need”)


Maha Ustad did not stop there and was sure that even these six threads could be further distilled and crystallized. So he strung these Six threads on another 'mental washing line' and found some commonalities present in these Six Threads and again after much thought and contemplation he finally crystallized the Three Threads that are the key qualities required in order to generate the "Complete Performance" in ANY activity of Human endeavor.


  1. The  PHYSICAL  DIMENSION (The ability to use the Conditioned and Prepared Body as a Single Unit)

  2. The  EMOTIONAL  DIMENSION (Attainment  of  the required  Emotional  Energy  State)

  3. The  INTELLECTUAL DIMENSION (The Strategy, Method and How)


These `Three Key Threads' were visually encapsulated by the Maha Ustad in his creation of the Tetsudo symbol the equilateral Triangle in which each side represents one of the DIMENSIONS defined by the `Three Key Threads'. A distortion in any one of these Dimensions leads to a state of imbalance in the body's ability to perform a task competently.


The training and Practice of the Art Form (Tetsudo) is structured around Exercise, Drills, Tasks and Strategies that develop, strengthen and enhance these Dimensions

































































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